Color Palettes

Our colors say a lot about who we are. They help identify us at a glance and set the tone for our communications, whether that’s bold and powerful, or inspirational and passionate.


Our primary colors should be visible in all communications, including publication covers, website pages, billboards, posters, digital and print advertisements, formal invitations, and recruitment materials.


Tulane Green
Pantone 626
CMYK: 50 0 14 64
RGB: 36 87 69
HEX: #285C4D


Tulane Blue
Pantone 297
CMYK: 52 0 1 0
RGB: 113 197 232
HEX: #71C5E8



Our secondary palette consists of saturated and vibrant hues, which adds balance and flexibility to our communications. They complement our other palettes and, applied sparingly, can be used to great effect for callouts and small accents.


Storm Shutters
Pantone 3145
CMYK: 100 36 38 7
RGB: 0 117 141
HEX: #00778B


Mardi Gras
Pantone 368
CMYK: 65 0 100 0
RGB: 120 190 32
HEX: #78BE20


Olive Branch
Pantone 370
CMYK: 49 0 100 30
RGB: 101 141 27
HEX: #658D1B


Pantone 110
CMYK: 2 22 100 8
RGB: 218 170 0
HEX: #CC9900


Avenue Blue
Pantone 7462
CMYK: 100 48 6 30
RGB: 0 85 140
HEX: #00558C



Our neutral palette perfectly complements our primary colors and consists of muted hues. They give our brand a traditional and light aesthetic that’s subtle yet modern and strong, allowing the main visual message to stand out.


Pantone 7485
CMYK: 16 0 25 0
RGB: 208 222 187


Neutral Grounds
Warm Gray 10
CMYK: 43 43 46 24
RGB: 121 110 101
HEX: #796E65


Delta Blue
Pantone 290
CMYK: 23 0 1 0
RGB: 185 217 235


Spanish Moss
Pantone 425
CMYK: 48 29 26 76
RGB: 84 88 90
HEX: #54585A


Crepe Myrtle
Pantone 691
CMYK: 1 17 5 0
RGB: 233 205 208



The accent palette should be used sparingly, never as the dominant color in a piece. These colors are meant to be complementary to the primary, neutral and secondary palettes and are only to be used as an accent to any design.


Pantone 186
CMYK: 2 100 85 6
RGB: 200 16 46
HEX: #CC0033


Pantone 233
CMYK: 11 100 0 0
RGB: 198 0 126
HEX: #C6007E


Pantone 3242
CMYK: 44 0 17 0
RGB: 113 219 212
HEX: #71DBD4







These are colors for use by Tulane's Athletics Department only, in support of their operations. For more information please contact Jana Woodson at


Oak Leaf
Pantone 342
CMYK: 93 4 75 43
RGB: 0 103 71
HEX: #006747


Pantone 279
CMYK: 69 34 0 0
RGB: 65 143 222
HEX: #418FDE