Full Width Template

Creating a New Landing Page:

  1. Click Manage on the top black nav menu
  2. Click Content on the white sub-nav menu
  3. Click +Add Content at the top
  4. Click on Full Width Template
  5. Fill in the following required fields: Title, Body
    You can use as many nodes (or tiles) as you'd like. Nodes display in rows of 3.

    Pre-sized 800x600 images are available in the collections below:
    Campus Beauty
    COVID-19/Return to Campus
  6. Click Add New Node button and fill in the required fields: Title, 800x600 image, Link  (short description/teaser is optional)

    Adding a new node
  7. Click Create Node button below the Teaser field. Repeat these steps for each additional node/tile you'd like to include on the page.
  8. Click Save button at bottom of page.
Heading options

There are 6 heading sizes within Drupal. Heading 1 <h1> is the page title's size. It should not be used within the body field.

List of all header sizes

To change your text to a header size, click the Normal dropdown menu on the body field toolbar and select the heading size. As a rule, headers should descend in size as you move down the page.

Heading dropdown menu on the body field toolbar

Useful tools within the Body field
  • Image Upload icon
  • Link icon for linking to pages outside of your website
  • LinkIt icon (has a + sign) for linking to pages within your website
  • Templates icon (first row, top right) – has column templates, accordion menu template etc
Adding a new page to your navigation menu

If you want this page to live on your menu, check off “Provide a Menu Link” below the body field.

Go to the Parent Item dropdown and select where you want this page to live (what parent page should it live under?)

Screenshot of Parent Menu Item dropdown

**If it should live on the green primary navigation, then select “Primary Navigation” as the Parent item.

Customizing your page's url

If you have created a new page, you need to customize the url:

At very bottom of page under Body field, Uncheck “Generate automatic URL alias” box and manually type in your custom url path in the URL Alias Box below.  Do not put a / in front.

Example: You’ve created an Our Team page under About section of your site.  Your url path could be entered in the field like this:  (no / in front of the first word, all lowercase)

Example: You've created a new primary navigation menu item called About. Your url path could be entered in the field like this:  (no / in front of the first word, all lowercase)

Screenshot of url alias box

**If you saved the page first and forgot to change the url path:

  • Click Content on top bar
  • Click edit next to that page title
  • Scroll down to bottom left sidebar – click “URL Path Settings”
  • Change url path

Click Save at bottom

Unpublishing a Page

By default, when you create a page and click Save, the page is published and "live."

If you added the page to a menu, then the public can find your page right away on the navigation menu.

If you did not provide a menu link, the page is live, but no one will be able to find it on your navigation menu. A person could access it via search or by having the direct url link.

Publishing Options

If you are working on a draft and would rather keep the page unpublished, click on "Publishing Options" in the bottom left sidebar and uncheck Published. Then click Save button.

Note: The page's background will be a light pink to denote that it is unpublished.

Publishing Options


Editing a Landing Page:

Unlike Universal pages, you cannot navigate to a landing page and use the editing gears to edit the page. Instead, follow these steps to edit a landing page:

Click Content on the white navigation bar. Use the search bar at the top of the page to filter by:

  • Title
  • Page Type - select "Full Width Template"
  • Author
  • Published or Unpublished
  • Vocabulary

Then click the Apply button to see a list of filtered results populate below. Once you find the page you want to edit, click edit to the right of the page title.

Search Filter


You can re-arrange existing nodes with the drag and drop tool or edit/remove nodes by clicking the button to the right of each one.

Editing nodes