Article pages provide greater flexibility in designing landing pages. Content can be displayed in a variety of custom blocks.
All available custom blocks can also be viewed in our pattern lab.
- Click Manage on the top black nav menu
- Click Content on the white sub-nav menu
- Click +Add Content at the top
- Click on Article
Page Metadata
You will first enter the page's metadata:
- Enter the page title
- Leave the Body, Tags and Image fields blank
- Uncheck the Published checkbox at the bottom of page if you want to work on page as a hidden draft
- Menu Settings: Expand the Menu Settings and select the "Provide a menu link" checkbox if you want the new page to show up in site's navigation menu
- URL alias: only uncheck "Generate automatic url alias" if you want to manually enter a custom url: /name-of-page (Example: /brand-guidelines)
Page Content
After saving the Metadata page, click on the Edit Content tab to begin adding content to your page.
Click +Add Section
Click the column layout you want for this new page section.
Note: "One Column" sections display full width on the screen while "Tailwind One column margin" has narrow margins that provide white space to the left and right of the content block.
Under Configure Section:
Administrative Label - Provide a name for the block to help a user identify blocks on the page (Example: Student Testimonial).
Style List – You will typically leave this option blank (no choice selected) to allow the default theme styles to apply.
One exception would be if you'd like to use a Basic Block that has white text on a dark green background -- select Background Green option.
Click + Add block within your newly created section
Click +Create Custom Block at top
Select the block type you want to use
Click +Add Section for every new block you add to your page.
There should only be 1 block in each section.
This will make it easier to keep track of your content and move sections up and down on the page as needed.
Do not add empty blocks to your page and then click Save. This will break the Article page.
To save the page, scroll back to top of page and click the green Save Layout button.
Editing Existing Content
- Click the Edit Content tab at the top of the page
Scroll down to the block you want to edit and hover your mouse over the pencil icon at the top right of the block. Click the pencil icon and select "Configure" from the dropdown list
- Click the blue Update button after making edits
- To save the page, scroll back to top of page and click the green Save Layout button.
Page Revisions
After your initial page creation, make sure that "Create New Revision" is checked off at top right of the Edit Metadata page every time you go back in and make edits to the page. In the Revision Log Message, you can enter info regarding the changes you're making to the existing page.
Under the page's Revisions tab, you can see the page's version history and can revert back to a previous version if needed.
Custom Blocks
Accordions work well for breaking up long blocks of text into an expandable/collapsible view.
Basic blocks have the standard toolbar and can include text, images and template snippets.
The Carousel block creates a slideshow of images that users can navigate through using arrows provided.
Content blocks include some combination of an image, header, title, description and call to action link.
There are several "view modes" available -- each view mode provides a slightly different display of the content. Once the content is dropped into the fields, you can switch displays using the View Mode dropdown.
- Using One Column layout: horizontal, vertical, square images work nicely in vast majority of the Content block views
- Using Tailwind One Column Margined layout: vertical images work better with most Content block views due to the narrow margins
Examples of all view modes:
- Contentblock1*:
- Contentblock2:
- Contentblock3:
- Contentblock4*:
- Contentblock7:
- Contentblock8:
- Contentblock9*:
- Contentblock10:
*Do not use Tailwind One Column Margined with Contentblock1, Contentblock4 or Contentblock9 view mode
Call to Action blocks allow for a prominent link button with optional descriptive text above it.
Hero blocks allow for a prominent banner/heading across the top of a page.
There are several "view modes" available -- each view mode provides a slightly different display of the content. Once the content is dropped into the fields, you can switch displays using the View Mode dropdown.
Hero images should be at least 1800 pixels wide for best quality. Please compress images before uploading to Drupal.
Hero videos should be under 50 MB and must not include any audio (spoken words, music, etc.). For improved accessibility for all visitors, avoid fast, sweeping shots, as they can be distracting or cause dizziness for visitors with cognitive disabilities or certain medical conditions.
Examples of all view modes:
- Hero1:
- Hero2:
- Hero3:
- Hero4:
- Hero5:
- Hero6:
- Hero7:
- Hero8:
- Hero9:
- Hero Narrow Depth:
- HeroVideo:
Image & Text blocks contain side by side image and text with optional small and main titles above them.
There are two "view modes" available -- each displays the content the same way but one has a dark green background and the other has a light blue background. Once the content is dropped into the fields, you can switch displays using the View Mode dropdown.
Examples of both view modes:
Image Content Grid blocks display photos in rows of 2, 3 or 4. Each photo in the grid can be hyperlinked (but it's not required). If you include an image description, it will appear below the photo.
Examples of all view modes:
The Masonry Grid block is a photo grid layout that does not have a fixed row height and places images based on available vertical space. This grid layout works best with a minimum of 12 photos.
Photogrid blocks display photos in rows of 3. Each photo in the grid can be hyperlinked (but it's not required). If you include an image description, it will appear in a green overlay when you hover over the photo.
Pulled Quote blocks display text on the page as an attention-grabbing visual element.
There is no need to include quotation marks in the Quote field or a dash in the Attribution field.
Quick Links blocks create a prominent grid of button links with a gold textured background.
Quote Images blocks display quotation text in white over an image. The quotation/attribution text can float either to the right or left.
The Standalone Image block allows you to upload a single image on the page.
If you'd like an image to run full width across the page, the compressed image must be at least 2000 pixels wide.
Standalone text blocks provide three ways to display short blocks of text.
There are three "view modes" available -- each view mode provides a slightly different display of the content. Once the content is dropped into the fields, you can switch displays using the View Mode dropdown.
Examples of all view modes:
- Default:
- Green Heading:…
- Image Content Block Description:…
- Simple Text:…
Statistics blocks allow numerical data to be displayed in a visually appealing way.
There are several "view modes" available -- each view mode provides a slightly different display of the content. Once the content is dropped into the fields, you can switch displays using the View Mode dropdown.
Examples of all view modes:
The Youtube video block allows you to embed a video on the page. Use One Column for a full-width video. Use Tailwind One Column Margined for a video with margins.
All available custom blocks can also be viewed in our pattern lab.