Licensing & Trademarks

We love to see Tulane’s logos on t-shirts, water bottles, backpacks, or really any item that displays our trademarks well. If you have an idea for a product that you would like to proudly bear a Tulane trademark, this website contains all the information you need to make it happen. Tulane requires that all individuals, organizations, departments and companies, both internal and external, obtain merchandise from a vendor or manufacturer who is licensed with Tulane through a licensing agent under contract with the university. This licensing agent is Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC). Approval from CLC is required before any vendor may produce products of any nature displaying Tulane indicia.

University trademarks include, but are not limited to: the words "Tulane", "Tulane University", "Green Wave", "Tulane Green Wave"; "TU"; the overlapping TU shield logo; the official seal of Tulane University; the Riptide pelican and the Angry Wave; and all current and future trademarks, service marks, word marks, designs or logos used by the University. See the University Logos page and the athletics style guide for more information about the logos. Tulane Athletics welcomes any questions you have regarding this policy or the proper use of university trademarks. Please contact us at 504-862-8442 or via e-mail at


We are proud of our trademarks, and Tulane's trademarks are intended to present a positive image of Tulane, so they may not be altered in any way. Nor can the university's trademarks be used in the name of a business, logo, in promoting services or on a product in a way that could state or imply an endorsement by the university.

The university's trademarks are not to be used in any way that discriminates or implies discrimination against any persons or groups based on age, ancestry, belief, color, creed, disability, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or veteran status, or in any other way that would be a violation of the university's anti-discrimination policies.

The use of university trademarks with the following types of products normally will not be approved:

  • products that could be used to injure or kill;
  • alcohol-related products;
  • tobacco-related products;
  • sexually suggestive products;
  • food and beverage products and accompanying packaging (other than for limited internal consumption in connection with official university events);
  • products that present an unacceptable risk of liability;
  • products that are inimical to the mission or image of the university.

Certain artwork or designs will not be approved for use in conjunction with the university's trademarks. These include the following:

  • art depicting the use or endorsement of alcohol;
  • art depicting the use or endorsement of illegal drugs;
  • art depicting the use or endorsement of tobacco products;
  • art depicting the use or endorsement of firearms or other weapons;
  • art depicting racist, sexist, hateful, demeaning or degrading language or statements;
  • art depicting profanity;
  • art depicting sexual acts;
  • art depicting statements impugning other universities;
  • art or a design incorporating trademarks or copyrights not owned by the university, unless written permission for such use satisfactory in form and substance to the university is obtained from the mark holder or copyright owner.


Step 1: Read Tulane's Guidelines for Use of Trademarks.

Step 2: Determine if your request requires approval.

Items requiring approval: Do you want a Tulane University indicia on an item such as a t-shirt, tote bag, or water bottle for your department or organization? You'll need approval. All university departments and recognized student organizations (RSOs) are required to obtain prior approval to use the indicia (names, marks, logos, seals and/or symbols) of the university in any commercial or non-commercial venue. Approval will be submitted by the vendor producing your item through Tulane's licensing agent, Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC).

Items that do not require approval: Using a trademark on items such as letterhead, stationery or business cards produced with the input and assistance of the university's Editorial and Creative Services Office does not require permission from University Communications & Marketing.

Step 3: If your item is non-commercial and requires approval, contact Tulane Athletics through Approval to use a trademark is only good for the application for which it was approved, and any additional items using the trademark must also be approved.

Appeal of Usage Approval Decisions

If your request to use a university trademark is denied, you may request that it be reviewed. The university reserves the right to disapprove any use of its trademarks, even if not explicitly prohibited by this policy or these guidelines.


To become licensed to create and sell products with Tulane University indicia, follow these steps.

Step 1: Read Tulane's Guidelines for Use of Trademarks.

Step 2: Tulane uses Collegiate Licensing Company as its licensing agent. Every vendor that sells products bearing the University's trademarks must be licensed through CLC.

The primary responsibility of a Tulane licensee is to submit all designs/products to the university for approval. Licensees are also required to carry liability insurance that indemnifies the university and CLC.

CLC provides access to Tulane's artwork via its internet-based Logos on Demand program and access to digitized embroidery tapes via its Stitches on Demand program. CLC's internet-based MyiCLC system dramatically reduces the amount of time needed to obtain approval on design/products from the University.

Step 3. Determine what kind of license you need

Internal Campus Supplier

  • License is for internal suppliers; products sold to the institution for internal consumption only. Cannot participate in any "for profit" retailing.
  • Exempt from reporting royalties
  • $100 annual administrative fee
  • Advance fee waived
  • Access to MyiCLC to electronically submit all designs/products for approval


  • For local companies and/or individuals
  • Geographically confined to in-state or "local region" companies that intend to make products for resale and for profit
  • Can hold licenses for 1-5 schools from the local area
  • $100 application fee
  • Report royalties quarterly; annual Tulane advance fees required
  • Ability to renew local agreements for multi-year terms based on performance and university approval
  • Access to MyiCLC to electronically submit all designs/products for approval


  • For production of emblematic merchandise to be sold by an individual or company at retail and any profit-based activity
  • Access to MyiCLC to electronically submit all designs/products for approval
  • Report royalties monthly; annual Tulane advance fees required
  • $1,000 application fee
  • May pursue licenses with multiple institutions beyond local limitations

A one-time application fee of $1,000 for Standard Licenses and $100 for Local and Internal Campus Supplier Licenses will be required with your license application. Each applicant will also be subject to the University's annual royalty advance fee. Although not required for the first year, upon renewal, both Local and Internal Campus Supplier Licenses require annual $100 administrative fees and Standard Licenses require a $1,000 administrative fee.

Step 4: Fill out an online CLC application request form. The application request form will send you to the actual application, which you will need to fill out online. The completed application will be sent to CLC for Tulane approval.

Appeal of Usage Approval Decisions

If your request to use a Tulane trademark is denied, you may request that it be reviewed. The university reserves the right to disapprove any use of its trademarks, even if not explicitly prohibited by this policy or these guidelines.


Persons or entities that use Tulane's trademarks without permission are subject to civil and criminal penalties pursuant to trademark law. The university intends to protect its trademarks and associated goodwill to the full extent of the law.